2015, Vol. 80
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Volume 80 (2015)
Spis treści
Joanna Staryszak, Joanna Stopa, Iwona Kucharska Miąsik, Magdalena Osuchowska, Wiesław Guz, Witold Błaż Usefulness of ultrasound examinations in the diagnostics of necrotizing enterocolitis
Robert Juszkat, Katarzyna Jończyk-Potoczna, Katarzyna Stanisławska, Alicja Bartkowska-Śniatkowska, Jowita Rosada-Kurasińska, Włodzimierz Liebert, Jakub Moskal Endovascular treatment of an adolescent patient with a ruptured intracranial aneurysm – case report and review of literature
Payam Mehrian, Ehsan Esfandiari, Mohammad Ali Karimi, Behzad Memari Computed tomography features of pulmonary nocardiosis in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients
Cyprian Olchowy, Mateusz Łasecki, Marcin Inglot, Urszula Zaleska-Dorobisz Case report of fire eater's pneumonia in adolescent female patient – evolution of radiologic findings
Valeria Romeo, Alfredo Esposito, Simone Maurea, Luigi Camera, Pier Paolo Mainenti, Giovannella Palmieri, Carlo Buonerba, Marco Salvatore Correlative imaging in a patient with cystic thymoma: CT, MR and PET/CT comparison
Przemysław Bombiński, Stanisław Warchoł, Michał Brzewski, Agnieszka Biejat, Teresa Dudek-Warchoł, Grażyna Krzemień, Agnieszka Szmigielska, Krzysztof Toth Calyceal diverticulum of the kidney – diagnostic imaging dilemma in pediatric patients – case report
Małgorzata Neska-Matuszewska, Anna Zimny, Krzysztof Kałwak, Marek J. Sąsiadek Central nervous system lymphoma in a 3-year-old male suffering from a severe Juvenile xanthogranuloma – the usefulness of perfusion weighted imaging and diffusion weighted imaging in the diagnostics of pediatric brain tumors
Onur Tutar, Cesur Samanci, Selim Bakan, Denizcan Alis, Ahmet Kaur, Deniz Tekcan Şanlı, Duzgun Yildirim Typical MDCT angiography findings of an unusual cutaneous neoplasia; masson tumor
Anna Zimny, Małgorzata Neska-Matuszewska, Joanna Bladowska, Marek J. Sąsiadek Intracranial lesions with low signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images – review of pathologies
Kazimierz Kordecki, Andrzej Lewszuk, Magdalena Puławska-Stalmach, Paweł Michalak, Adam Łukasiewicz, Izabela Sackiewicz, Piotr Polaków, Katarzyna Rutka, Wojciech Łebkowski, Urszula Łebkowska Vertebroplasty of cervical vertebra
Arkadiusz Szarmach, Maciej Piskunowicz, Dominik Świetoń, Adam Muc, Gabor Mockałło, Jarosław Dzierżanowski, Edyta Szurowska Radiation safety awareness among medical staff
Dorota Kulhawik, Jerzy Walecki Toxic lung injury in a patient addicted to "legal highs" – case study
Masashi Shimohira, Takuya Hashizume, Tatsuya Kawai, Masahiro Muto, Kengo Ohta, Kazushi Suzuki, Yuta Shibamoto Triaxial system in re-embolization for recanalization of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
Sahabettin Sarı, Alpaslan Yavuz, Aabdussamet Batur, Aydın Bora, Huseyin Caksen Brain magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings of children with kernicterus
Vincenzina Crisci, Pier Paolo Mainenti, Fabio Corvino, Rossella Lauria, Simone Maurea Bone involvement by adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix: a rare entity
Kartik Mittal, Rajat Agrawal, Amit K. Dey, Rohit Gadewar, Divyesh Dadhania, Priya Hira Pseudoaneurysm arising from mitral aortic intervalvular fibrosa (P-MAIVF) communicating with left atrium (LA): multiple detector computed tomography (MDCT) evaluation
Onur Tutar, Selim Bakan, Cesur Samanci, Fuat Nurili, Haluk Burcak Sayman, Canan Akman Thoracic splenosis after a gunshot: diffusion-weighted MRI findings
Katarzyna Krupa, Monika Bekiesińska-Figatowska Artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging
Katarzyna Kołaczyk, Katarzyna Chamier-Ciemińska, Anna Walecka, Maria Chosia, Iwona Szydłowska, Andrzej Starczewski, Tomasz Grodzki, Andrzej Smereczyński, Marcin Sawicki Pulmonary benign metastasizing leiomyoma from the uterine leiomyoma: a case report
Kewal Arunkumar Mistry, Dayashankar Iyer Torsion of the greater omentum secondary to omental lymphangioma in a child: a case report
Ahmed Mohamed Algebally, Nesreen Mohey, Wojciech Szmigielski, Reda Ramadan Hussein Yousef, Samah Kohla The value of high-resolution MRI technique in patients with rectal carcinoma: pre-operative assessment of mesorectal fascia involvement, circumferential resection margin and local staging
Eleonora Cucci, Angela Santoro, Cinzia Di Gesù, Renato Di Cerce, Giuseppina Sallustio Sclerosing adenosis of the breast: report of two cases and review of the literature
Antonija Ruzic-Barsic, Slavica Kovacic, Dragana Mijatovic, Damir Miletic, Ronald Antulov Coexistence of left internal carotid agenesis, Klippel-Feil syndrome and postaxial polydactyly
Mohammed Alkhorayef, Mustafa Z. Mahmoud, Khalid S. Alzimami, Abdelmoneim Sulieman, Maram A. Fagiri High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in localized prostate cancer treatment
Richa Arora Imaging spectrum of cerebellar pathologies: a pictorial essay
Ömer Akar, Can Yaldiz, Nail Özdemir, Onur Yaman, Sedat Dalbayrak Isolated transverse clivus fracture without neurodeficit: case report and review of literature
Maciej Guziński, Jacek Kurcz, Monika Kukulska, Małgorzata Neska, Jerzy Garcarek Embolization of a true giant splenic artery aneurysm using NBCA glue – case report and literature review
Masaki Ogawa, Keita Sakurai, Takatsune Kawaguchi, Aya Naiki-Ito, Motoo Nakagawa, Kenji Okita, Noriyuki Matsukawa, Yuta Shibamoto Internal carotid artery blister-like aneurysm caused by Aspergillus – case report
Aleksander Pawluś, Kinga Szymańska, Krzysztof Kaczorowski, Dąbrówka Sokołowska-Dąbek, Cyprian Olchowy, Bartosz D. Markiewicz, Urszula Zaleska-Dorobisz A rare case of aggressive fibromatosis infiltrating dorsal muscles in a 6-year-old patient – CT, MRI and elastography evaluation
Richa Arora Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as obstructive jaundice: uncommon presentation of a rare entity
Hemant Deshmukh, Kranti K. Rathod, Priya Hira, Shilpa Sankhe, Nilesh Pandit, Kartik Mittal, Amit K. Dey Hemangioma of rib: a different perspective
Kewal Arunkumar Mistry, Rohit Bhoil, Ankitkumar Patel In response to the article "Joubert syndrome imaging features and illustration of a case"; Pol J Radiol, 2015; 80: 381–83
Furkan Ufuk, Duygu Herek CT of hepatic sarcoidosis: small nodular lesions simulating metastatic disease
Joanna Bladowska, Dominika Kulej, Anna Biel, Anna Zimny, Krzysztof Kałwak, Joanna Owoc-Lempach, Julita Porwolik, Teresa Joanna Stradomska, Urszula Zaleska-Dorobisz, Marek J. Sąsiadek The role of MR imaging in the assessment of clinical outcomes in children with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Robert Juszkat, Katarzyna Stanisławska, Karolina Kopińska, Włodzimierz Liebert, Jakub Moskal Embolisation of internal carotid artery aneurysm using the double microcatheter technique – a case report
Jarosław Wasilewski, Marcin Roleder, Jacek Niedziela, Andrzej Nowakowski, Tadeusz Osadnik, Jan Głowacki, Kryspin Mirota, Lech Poloński The role of septal perforators and "myocardial bridging effect" in atherosclerotic plaque distribution in the coronary artery disease
Rohit Bhoil, Vandana Raghuvanshi, Suhas Basavaiah A case of congenital uterine arterio-venous malformation managed by hysterectomy
Birol Ozkal, Can Yaldiz, Onur Yaman, Nail Ozdemır, Sedat Dalbayrak Extraosseous, epidural cavernous hemangioma with back pain
Alaa Wagih, Laila Mohsen, Moustafa M. Rayan, Mo'men M. Hasan, Ashraf H. Al-Sherif Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES): restricted diffusion does not necessarily mean irreversibility
Kartik Mittal, Raj Koticha, Amit K. Dey, Karan Anandpara, Rajat Agrawal, Madhva P. Sarvothaman, Hemangini Thakkar Radiological illustration of spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Ahmed Monier, Nehal Saloum, Wojciech Szmigielski, Amal Alrashid, Sarbar M.E. Napaki Neuroendocrine tumor of the gallbladder
Mehmet Haydar Atalar, Ismail Salk, Recep Savas, Ismail Onder Uysal, Hulusi Egilmez CT and MR imaging in a large series of patients with craniofacial fibrous dysplasia
Katarzyna Czerwińska, Monika Bekiesińska-Figatowska, Michał Brzewski, Michał Gogolewski, Marek Wolski Trichobezoar, rapunzel syndrome, tricho-plaster bezoar – a report of three cases
Róża Krycińska, Agata Trznadel, Paulina Kuchalska, Michał Lis, Bartosz Dołęga-Kozierowski, Krzysztof Dyś, Stanisław Drelichowski, Wojciech Witkiewicz Brachiocephalic vein stenting and body-floss technique as a treatment of CVD in dialysis-dependent patient – case report and literature review
Zuhal Gülşen, Pınar Nercis Koşar, Fatma Dilek Gökharman Comparison of multidetector computed tomography findings with clinical and laboratory data in pulmonary thromboembolism
Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Andrzej Urbanik, Wadim Wojciechowski, Agnieszka Warczyńska, Katarzyna Kapuścińska, Mariusz Korkosz, Sławomir Jeka, Brygida Kwiatkowska Polish Medical Society of Radiology and Polish Society of Rheumatology recommendations for magnetic resonance imaging of musculoskeletal disorders in rheumatology
Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Brygida Kwiatkowska, Monika Włodkowska-Korytkowska, Genowefa Matuszewska, Elżbieta Grochowska Diagnostics of sacroiliitis according to ASAS criteria: a comparative evaluation of conventional radiographs and MRI in patients with a clinical suspicion of spondyloarthropathy. Preliminary results
Wojciech Cwikiel, Magnus Bergenfeldt, Inger Keussen Endovascular removal of the Viatorr stent-grafts. Report of two cases
Rohit Bhoil In response to the article "Computed tomography features of pulmonary nocardiosis in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients"; Pol J Radiol, 2015; 80: 13-17
Erdem Yilmaz, Oguz Bulent Erol, Melih Pekcan, Gokcen Gundogdu, Bilge Bilgic, Feryal Gun, Ensar Yekeler Bilateral multifocal hamartoma of the chest wall in an infant
Brian Anderson, Shyamsunder Sabat, Amit Agarwal, Krishnamoorthy Thamburaj Diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Katarzyna Kośla, Bartosz Bryszewski, Dariusz Jaskólski, Nina Błasiak-Kołacińska, Ludomir Stefańczyk, Agata Majos Reorganization of language areas in patient with a frontal lobe low grade glioma – fMRI case study
Kewal A. Mistry, Pokhraj P. Suthar, Siddharth R. Bhesania, Ankitkumar Patel Antenatal diagnosis of Jeune syndrome (Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia) with micromelia and facial dysmorphism on second-trimester ultrasound
Gozde Arslan, Evrim Ozmen, Mehmet Soyturk MRI of residual red bone marrow in the distal femur of healthy subjects
Johannes Gossner Thyrolipomas – prevalence in computed tomography and suggestions for pragmatic management
Vinko Vidjak, Karlo Novačić, Filip Matijević, Lovro Kavur, Marko Slavica, Anna Mrzljak, Tajana Filipec-Kanižaj, Nikola Ivan Leder, Dinko Škegro Percutaneous endovascular treatment for hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation: the role of percutaneous endovascular treatment
Karmella Kamali, Say'yed Reza Hosseini, Say'yed Mostajab Razavi Nedjad Ardakani, Mohammad Reza Farnoodi Complementory value of sonography in early evaluation of necrotizing enterocolitis
Aydın Bora, Adem Yokuş, Abdussamet Batur, Mehmet Deniz Bulut, Alpaslan Yavuz, İsmail Gülşen, Mesut Özgökçe, Mehmet Arslan Spontaneous rupture of the middle fossa arachnoid cyst into the subdural space: case report
Ahmed Abdel Khalek Abdel Razek, Mohamed Rashad Ghonim, Bassem Ashraf Computed tomography staging of middle ear cholesteatoma
Abdussamet Batur, Alpaslan Yavuz, Osman Toktas, Aydın Bora, Mehmet Deniz Bulut Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm: delayed presentation after a blunt trauma
Dinesh Sood, Kewal A. Mistry, Garvit D. Khatri, Veenal Chadha, Swati Garg, Pokhraj P. Suthar, Dhruv G. Patel, Ankitkumar Patel Congestive myelopathy due to intradural spinal AVM supplied by artery of Adamkiewicz: case report with brief literature review and analysis of the Foix-Alajouanine syndrome definition
Jerzy Garcarek, Jacek Kurcz, Maciej Guziński, Mirosław Banasik, Marcin Miś, Tomasz Gołębiowski Intraarterial CT angiography using ultra low volume of iodine contrast – own experiences
Dinesh Sood, Kewal A. Mistry, Veenal Chadha, Sarthak Sharma, Parikshit D. Morey, Pokhraj P. Suthar, Dhruv G. Patel Membranous IVC obstruction presenting with antegrade/retrograde respiratory flow in the intrahepatic segment in Doppler imaging and prostatic and urethral congestion
Sedat Alpaslan Tuncel, Aytaç Gülcü, Erdem Yılmaz, Taner Çiftçi, Ahmet Yiğit Göktay Endovascular stent-graft treatment of giant celiac artery pseudoaneurysm
Atilla Süleyman Dikici, Onur Yıldırım, Mehmet Emin Er, Fahrettin Kılıç, Onur Tutar, Fatih Kantarcı, Ismail Mihmanlı A rare complication of the thyroid malignancies: jugular vein invasion
Kartik Mittal, Karan Anandpara, Amit K. Dey, Pradnya Kedar, Priya Hira, Sunita Kale Left aberrant gastric vein causing isolated left hepatic portal venous gas secondary to an incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia
Jerzy Walecki, Bartosz Mruk, Ewa Nawrocka-Laskus, Agnieszka Piliszek, Artur Przelaskowski, Katarzyna Sklinda Neuroimaging of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) – old dilemma and the new diagnostic methods
Dinesh Sood, Rohit Bhoil, Manika Sharma, Swati Garg, Samriti Sharma In response to the article "CT of hepatic sarcoidosis: small nodular lesions simulating metastatic disease". Pol J Radiol, 2015; 80: 178-180
Namik Kemal Altinbas, Sena Unal, Ahmet Peker, Caglar Uzun, Zehra Akkaya, Elif Peker Trifurcation of the left common carotid artery
Yashant Aswani, Hemangini Thakkar, Priya Hira Renal cysts and nephrocalcinosis in a patient deficient in 11 beta-hydroxylase enzyme
Kewal A. Mistry, Dinesh Sood, Veenal Chadha, Rohit Bhoil, Sarthak Sharma In response to the article "Usefulness of ultrasound examinations in the diagnostics of necrotizing enterocolitis". Pol J Radiol, 2015; 80: 1-9
Marcin Sawicki, Wojciech Marlicz, Norbert Czapla, Marek Łokaj, Michał M. Skoczylas, Maciej Donotek, Katarzyna Kołaczyk Massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding from a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm caused by a penetrating gastric ulcer: case report and review of literature
Tumay Bekci, Serap Yucel, Eser Turgut, Aysegul Idil Soylu Giant congenital pelvic AVM causing cardiac failure, diplegia, and neurogenic bladder
Amit Agarwal, Shyamsunder Sabat, Krishnamurthy Thamburaj, Sangam Kanekar Hippocampal changes in Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES)
Rohan Bhoil, Rohit Bhoil, Rajesh Chopra, Manika Sharma, Kewal Mistry Congenital epulis: a rare benign jaw tumour in a 2-day-old male baby
Senthil Kumar Mookan, Senthilnathan Sundaram, Natarajan Rajagopalan Gangliocapsular bleed with ipsilateral internal carotid artery aplasia
Nursen Toprak, Ozkan Unal, Serhat Avcu The efficacy of one molar contrast material in the evaluation of breast lesions with MR imaging
Paulina Pałasz, Łukasz Adamski, Michał Studniarek Paragangliomas: à propos of two cases. Diagnostics and treatment
Kartik Mittal, Karan Anandpara, Amit K. Dey, Rajaram Sharma, Hemangini Thakkar, Priya Hira, Hemant Deshmukh An association of chronic hyperaldosteronism with medullary nephrocalcinosis
Rohit Bhoil, Dinesh Sood, Yash Paul Singh, Kshama Nimkar, Anurag Shukla An ectopic pelvic kidney
Serdal Citil, Serap Dogan, Hasan Ikbal Atilgan, Mehmet Sait Menzilcioglu, Tuna Sahin, Ummuhan Abdulrezzak, Mahmut Duymus, Mustafa Ozturk Comparison of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and PET/CT in the evaluation of laryngeal cancer after inadequate CT results
Abdussamet Batur, Muhammed Alpaslan, Ilyas Dundar, Mesut Ozgokce, Alpaslan Yavuz Uterin lipoleiomyoma: MR findings
Kewal A. Mistry, Dinesh Sood, Rohit Bhoil, Veenal Chadha, Ajay K. Ahluwalia, Saurabh Sood, Pokhraj P. Suthar A classic case of tuberous sclerosis with multisystem involvement including giant bilateral renal angiomyolipomas presenting as massive hematuria
Ahmed Mohamed Algebally, Hazim Ibrahim Tantawy, Reda Ramadan Hussein Yousef, Wojciech Szmigielski, Adham Darweesh Advantage of adding diffusion weighted imaging to routine MRI examinations in the diagnostics of scrotal lesions
Ibrahim Guler, Alaaddin Nayman, Mustafa Koplay, Yahya Paksoy Synovial hemangioma of the knee joint: magnetic resonance imaging findings
Lalit Garg, Umesh Kumar Mittal, Harmeet Kaur Rissam, Ashok Sharma Aneurysm of mid and apical interventricular cardiac septum dissecting along the basal part – an uncommon entity diagnosed with CT angiography
Anna Banaszek, Joanna Bladowska, Anna Pokryszko-Dragan, Ryszard Podemski, Marek J. Sąsiadek Evaluation of the degradation of the selected projectile, commissural and association white matter tracts within normal appearing white matter in patients with multiple sclerosis using diffusion tensor MR imaging – a preliminary study
Yuya Bando, Motoo Nakagawa, Koichi Ito, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Keita Sakurai, Masashi Shimohira, Yuta Shibamoto Horseshoe lung associated with left lung hypoplasia: case report and systematic review of the literature
Sonay Aydin, Elif Ergun, Erdem Fatihoglu, Gamze Durhan, Pinar Nercis Kosar Spontaneous isolated celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery dissections: a rare case
Magdalena Wawrzyk, Jan Sokal, Ewa Andrzejewska, Przemysław Przewratil The role of ultrasound imaging of callus formation in the treatment of long bone fractures in children
Furkan Ufuk, Duygu Herek, Nevzat Karabulut Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung: unusual imaging findings of three cases
Marta Puglia, Alessandra Acquaviva, Andrea Ponsiglione, Luigi Barbuto, Nilde Di Paolo, Dario De Rosa, Simonetta Sicuranza, Simone Maurea, Massimo Imbriaco Atypical presentation of Ewing's sarcoma with a single left orbital metastasis
Sinan Akay, Mustafa Kaygisiz, Muharrem Oztas, Mustafa Suphi Turgut Surgically confirmed intra- and extratesticular hematoma clinically mimicing epididymo-orchitis and radiologically mimicing traumatic torsion
Madan Mohan Gupta, Neha Agrawal Oncotic cerebral aneurysms in a case of left atrial myxoma, role of imaging in diagnostics and treatment
Piotr Palczewski, Katarzyna Sułkowska, Jan Świątkowski, Hanna Kocoń, Marek Gołębiowski Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome: a case report and a review of literature
Lalit Garg, Mansi Jain, Kishor Taori, Ajinky Patil, Anand Hatgaonkar, Jawhar Rathod, Swenil Shah, Darshan Patwa, Akshat Kasat Large gastric perforation sealed by splenic lysis: emphasis on indirect signs – a rare case report
Banu Alicioglu Right liver lobe hypoplasia and related abnormalities
Yashant Aswani, Priya Hira Spinal hydatid as a rare cause of posterior mediastinal lesion: understanding cervicothoracic sign on chest radiography
Monika Cichocka, Justyna Kozub, Andrzej Urbanik PH measurements of the brain using phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31PMRS) in healthy men – comparison of two analysis methods
Ahmed M. Maghraby Efficiencies of some spherical ion chambers in continuous and pulsed radiation: a numerical evaluation
Mehmet Haydar Atalar, Ismail Salk, Nisa Bozbiyik, Ali Cetin Diagnosis of high bifurcation of the abdominal aorta with associated vascular variations: case report with multidedector computed tomography
Abdel-Naser Ghareep, Maryam Alkuwari, Francis Willington, Wojciech Szmigielski Kawasaki disease: diagnosis and follow-up by CT coronary angiography with the use of 128-slice dual source dual energy scanner. A case report
Daniel Varela, Mohamed Teleb, Sarmad Said, Jerry Fan, Debabrata Mukherjee, Aamer Abbas Congenital absence of left circumflex presenting after an emotional stressor
Nurdan Fidan, Esra Ummuhan Mermi, Mehtap Beker Acay, Muammer Murat, Ethem Zobaci Jejunal diverticulosis presented with acute abdomen and diverticulitis complication: a case report
Dorota Piotrowska-Kownacka, Łukasz Kownacki, Janusz Kochman, Agnieszka Kołodzińska, Małgorzata Kobylecka, Leszek Królicki Microvascular obstruction evaluation using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients
Tuna Sahin, Zülküf Bozgeyik, Mehmet Sait Menzilcioglu, Serdal Citil, Mehmet Fatih Erbay Importance of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of the treatment efficacy in multiple sclerosis patients with acute attacks
Mehmet Sait Menzilcioglu, Ahmet Mete, Zeyni Ünverdi Effectiveness of CT computed tomography perfusion in diagnostics of acute ischemic stroke
Elif Aktas, Burcu Sahin, Nazan Ciledag, Kemal Niyazi Arda, Emrah Caglar, Inci Ergurhan Ilhan Magnetic resonance imaging findings in childhood period nasopharynx cancer
Mustafa Koplay, Mahmut Celik, Ahmet Avci, Hasan Erdogan, Kenan Demir, Mesut Sivri, Alaaddin Nayman Comparison between prospectively electrocardiogram-gated high-pitch mode and retrospectively electrocardiogram-gated mode for dual-source CT coronary angiography