I. Evaluation of scientific activity


1.Evaluation criteria

In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated February 22, 2019 on the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity, scientific achievements are evaluated:

  • research articles
    published in scientific journals or peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, included / not included in the ministerial list
  • scientific monographs
    published by publishing houses included / not included in the list of ministerial
  • chapters in scientific monographs
    published by publishing houses included / not included in the ministerial list of publishing houses
  • scientific editing
    scientific monographs published by publishing houses included / not included in the ministerial list of publishing houses


2.Definition of scientific publications according to the regulation of the MNiSW

§ 9.1. “A scientific article is a peer-reviewed article published in a scientific journal or in the peer-reviewed proceedings of an international scientific conference:

1) presenting a specific scientific issue in an original and creative, problem-based or cross-cutting manner;

2) provided with footnotes, bibliography or other scientific equipment appropriate to the scientific discipline.

2.A scientific article is also a review article published in a scientific journal included in the list of journals.

3. A scientific article is not: editorial, abstract, extended abstract, letter, errata and editorial note.

§ 10.1 A scientific monograph is a peer-reviewed book publication:

1) presenting a specific scientific issue in an original and creative way

2) provided with footnotes, bibliography or other scientific equipment appropriate to the discipline

2. A scientific monograph is also:

1) a peer-reviewed and annotated, bibliographed, or other discipline-appropriate scientific translation:

a) into Polish a work important for science or culture,

b) into another modern language a work important for science or culture, published in Polish;

2) scientific editing of source texts”.

Review articles are publications “published in scientific journals included in the list of journals. A review article is, in particular, a polemical statement, dealing with topics that are important from the point of view of discourse in science or art, which, however, unlike a typical scientific article, is not provided with a scientific apparatus, but has the qualities of a study of an original and creative nature. A review article can also be a review of a scientific monograph published in a scientific journal.”


3. The Repository of the Jagiellonian University - a source of information on the scientific output of UJ employees transferred to the Polish Scientific Bibliography

1. Publications subject to evaluation are posted on the website of the Repository in the Collection: Bibliography of Publications of Jagiellonian University Employees in the Collection: Scientific Publications.

Publication coordinators, when verifying/entering bibliographic description, should pay attention to the criteria for qualifying a publication to a scientific collection. If a publication assigned to a scientific collection does not meet the requirements specified in the Regulations and Announcements of the Ministry of Education, they should report to the Faculty Administrator the need to change the collection. Other available collections are: popular science and teaching. An analogy should be made in the reverse situation - when a scientific publication is in an inappropriate collection, this should also be reported to the Administrator.

2. Sending data to PBN. The basis for submitting a publication for parametric evaluation is to complete the Affiliation tab (in the form, when entering the publication into RUJ). By completing the form, the author can complete the Affiliation tab (select the discipline to which he assigns the publication and the unit to which he affiliates the publication). Then, Faculty Coordinators verify each time the data is entered. In cases where the publication should not be sent for parametric evaluation (subsequent editions, subsequent versions of translations, reprints, etc.) and when an employee of the Jagiellonian University affiliates a given publication to a scientific unit other than the Jagiellonian University - this tab should not be completed.

Employees (counted as N, assigned to a discipline, who have submitted a statement authorizing the UJ to demonstrate the employee's achievements for the purposes of evaluating the quality of scientific activity) and doctoral students of Doctoral Schools participate in the parametric evaluation.

At the Jagiellonian University, the intermediary system between RUJ and PBN is the ScienceCloud system, which presents a scoring and qualifying algorithm for scientific achievements in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Education .

The information collected in PBN that is subject to evaluation is presented in the SEDN system, which collects data on scientific achievements from all over Poland


II. Periodic evaluation at the Jagiellonian University (employee survey)

1. Criteria for evaluating publications

The criteria for internal evaluation are set by the relevant departments / units at the UJ.

The completed survey should be accompanied by a list of publications generated from RUJ. The manual is available in the section: Reports and statements.

Scores should be provided in accordance with the Regulations and Announcements of the Ministry of National Education available HERE

The total score of an employee's academic achievements is ultimately determined by the relevant department/unit in which the employee is employed.

More information on the UJ website - Evaluation of academic teachers


2. Other scientific activities

RUJ does not have data on project activities et al.