2012, Vol. 77
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Volume 77 (1) (2012)
Spis treści
Katarzyna Jończyk-Potoczna, Marta Frankiewicz, Małgorzata Warzywoda, Krzysztof Strzyżewski, Bogdan Pawlak Low-dose protocol for head CT in evaluation of hydrocephalus in children
Bartosz Bryszewski, Lucjan Pfajfer, Aneta Antosik-Biernacka, Krzysztof Tybor, Janusz Śmigielski, Marek Zawirski, Agata Majos Functional rearrangement of the primary and secondary motor cortex in patients with primary tumors of the central nervous system located in the region of the central sulcus depending on the histopathological type and the size of tumor: examination by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging
Grażyna Wilk, Monika Modrzejewska, Ewelina Lachowicz, Krystyna Lisiecka-Opalko, Leszek Myśliwiec, Donald Rutkowski, Katarzyna Kotrych, Katarzyna Burzyńska, Elżbieta Gołubińska From ophthalmologist to dentist via radiology
Agnieszka Choromańska, Katarzyna J. Macura Role of computed tomography in quantitative assessment of emphysema
Grzegorz Bauman, Monika Eichinger Ventilation and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging of the lung
Justyna Paprocka, Ewa Jamroz, Ewa Ścieszka, Ewa Kluczewska Isolated rhomboencephalosynapsis - a rare cerebellar anomaly
Katarzyna Jaworska, Joanna Dołowy, Małgorzata Kuśmierska, Tomasz Kuniej, Przemysław Jaźwiec Multiple fusiform cerebral aneurysms - case report
Anna Janik-Moszant, Aleksander Matyl, Iwona Rurańska, Agnieszka Machowska-Majchrzak, Ewa Kluczewska, Tomasz Szczepański Invasive fungal infection of the central nervous system in a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia
Tomasz Nesteruk, Marta Nesteruk, Marta Bulik-Pasińska, Dariusz Boroszko, Monika Ostrowska Brainstem ischemic stroke without permanent sequelae during the course of spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection - case report
Monika Bekiesińska-Figatowska, Arleta Kuczyńska-Zardzewiały, Barbara Pomianowska, Katarzyna Kajdana, Grażyna M. Szpak, Beata Iwanowska, Jarosław Mądzik The value of magnetic resonance imaging in the early diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - own experience
Andrea d'Amico, Anna Cofalik, Cesary Przeorek, Tomasz Gawlik, Tomasz Olczyk, Michał Kalemba, Alicja Modorowska, Maria Turska-d'Amico, Barbara Bobek-Billewicz, Barbara Jarzab Role of nuclear medicine imaging in differential diagnosis of accessory spleens in patients after splenectomy
Leszek Krupniewski, Piotr Palczewski, Marek Gołębiowski, Katarzyna Kosińska-Kaczyńska Tuberculous spondylodiscitis in a patient with a sickle-cell disease: CT findings
Volume 77 (2) (2012)
Spis treści
Maciej Markuszewski, Alexandra Kraus, Michał Studniarek, Anna Zawadzka NMR findings in patients after wrist trauma with a negative plain radiographs
Grzegorz Tatoń, Eugeniusz Rokita, Tomasz Rok, Felix Beckmann Oversampling in the computed tomography measurements applied for bone structure studies as a method of spatial resolution improvement
Jarosław Pleśniak, Stanisław Urbański Comparative thyroid gland volume by two methods: ultrasonography and planar scintigraphy
Agnieszka Choromańska, Katarzyna J. Macura Evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodule detected during computed tomography examination
Joanna Kabat, Przemysław Król Focal cortical dysplasia - review
Dominik Sieron, Philipp Wiggermann, Daniel Knap, Wojciech Wawrzynek, Christian Stroszczynski Use of expanded polytetrafluoroethylen (ePTFE) stent graft in autogenic AV fistula with false aneurysm in lower extremity
Jakub Cieściński, Zbigniew Serafin, Piotr Strześniewski, Władysław Lasek, Wojciech Beuth DSA volumetric 3D reconstructions of intracranial aneurysms: a pictorial essay
Bogusława Baran, Olga Kornafel, Maciej Guziński, Marek Sąsiadek Dolichoectasia of the circle of Willis arteries and fusiform aneurysm of basilar artery - case report and review of the literature
Katarzyna Laskowska, Małgorzata Burzyńska-Makuch, Anna Krenska, Sylwia Kołtan, Małgorzata Chrupek, Elżbieta Nawrocka, Władysław Lasek, Zbigniew Serafin Pneumatosis cystoides interstitialis: a complication of graft-versus-host disease. A report of two cases
Iwona Rzymska-Grala, Piotr Palczewski, Marcin Błaż, Michał Zmorzyński, Marek Gołębiowski, Hubert Wanyura A peculiar blow-out fracture of the inferior orbital wall complicated by extensive subcutaneous emphysema: a case report and review of the literature
Katarzyna Jończyk-Potoczna, Aleksandra Szczawińska-Popłony, Małgorzata Warzywoda, Anna Bręborowicz, Bogdan Pawlak Hyper IgE syndrome (Job syndrome, HIES) - radiological images of pulmonary complications on the basis of three cases
Katarzyna Czerwińska, Danuta Roik, Barbara Sopyło, Agata Sobocińska-Mirska, Stanisław Warchoł, Michał Brzewski Atypical imaging features of adrenal gland lesions in children - report of three cases and review of literature
Volume 77 (3) (2012)
Spis treści
Anna Stadnik, Andrzej Cieszanowski, Leopold Bakoń, Agnieszka Grodzicka, Olgierd Rowiński Pancreatic lipoma: An incydentaloma which can resemble cancer - analysis of 13 cases studied with CT and MRI
Piotr Grzelak, Ilona Kurnatowska, Michal Nowicki, Janusz Strzelczyk, Michał Sapieha, Michał Podgórski, Magdalena Marchwicka-Wasiak, Ludomir Stefańczyk Standard B presentation vs. contrast-enhanced ultrasound (US-CE). A comparison of usefulness of different ultrasonographic techniques in the evaluation of the echo structure and size of haematomas in post-renal transplant patients: a preliminary report
Tomasz Kun, Lucjusz Jakubowski Influence of MRI contrast media on histamine release from mast cells
Ewa Dziurzyńska-Białek, Joanna Kruk-Bachonko, Wiesław Guz, Marek Łosicki, Witold Krupski Diagnostic difficulties resulting from morphological image variation in spondylodiscitis MR imaging
Monika Bekiesińska-Figatowska, Elżbieta Jurkiewicz, Sylwia Szkudlińska-Pawlak, Katrzyna Malczyk, Katarzyna Nowak Rhombencephalosynapsis - isolated anomaly or complex malformation?
Katarzyna Kośla, Lucjan Pfajfer, Bartosz Bryszewski, Dariusz Jaskólski, Ludomir Stefańczyk, Agata Majos Functional rearrangement of language areas in patients with tumors of the central nervous system using functional magnetic resonance imaging
Jolanta Myga-Porosiło, Hanna Borowiak, Wojciech Sraga, Zuzanna Jackowska, Magdalena Serafin, Ewa Kluczewska Usefulness of the computed tomography and magnetic resonance in evaluation of progress of treatment of the neoplasmatic diseases in children
Justyna Wagel, Klaudiusz Łuczak, Barbara Hendrich, Maciej Guziński, Marek Sąsiadek Clinical and radiological features of nonfamilial cherubism - a case report
Joanna Waniewska, Ilona Michałowska, Tomasz Oleksiuk, Paweł Kwiatek Intra-atrial course of right coronary artery - case report
Piotr Grzelak, Lukasz Augsburg, Agata Majos, Ludomir Stefanczyk, Pawel Gorski, Wojciech Piotrowski, Adam Antczak Use of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in hepatosplenic sarcoidosis: report of 2 cases
Katarzyna Sułkowska, Piotr Palczewski, Marek Gołębiowski Radiological spectrum of pulmonary infections in patients post solid organ transplantation
Astra Cabaj, Monika Bekiesińska-Figatowska, Jarosław Mądzik MRI patterns of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in preterm and full term infants - classical and less common MR findings
Marcin Hartel, Ewa Kluczewska New CNS tumours in WHO classification. Comments to the article "The new World Health Organization classification of central nervous system Ttumours: what can the neuroradiologist really say?"
Volume 77 (4) (2012)
Spis treści
Michał Pająk, Piotr Loba, Julia Wieczorek-Pastusiak, Aneta Antosik-Biernacka, Ludomir Stefańczyk, Agata Majos Signal intensity and T2 time of extraocular muscles in assessment of their physiological status in MR imaging in healthy subjects
Abed-Al Nasser Assi, Yasser Nazal Rib fracture: different radiographic projections
Ireneusz Rzewnicki, Kazimierz Kordecki, Adam Łukasiewicz, Jacek Janica, Magdalena Puławska-Stalmach, Justyn Ksawery Kordecki, Urszula Łebkowska Palliative embolization of hemorrhages in extensive head and neck tumors
Kazimierz Kordecki, Adam Łukasiewicz, Mirosław Nowicki, Andrzej Lewszuk, Radosław Kowalewski, Bogusław Panek, Michał Zawadzki, Paweł Michalak, Marek Gacko, Urszula Łebkowska Assessment of effectiveness of endovascular treatment of common and external iliac artery stenosis/occlusion using self-expanding Jaguar SM stents
Jarosław Wasilewski, Kryspin Mirota, Krzysztof Wilczek, Jan Głowacki, Lech Poloński Calcific aortic valve damage as a risk factor for cardiovascular events
Monika Popiel, Danuta Mróz-Klimas, Renata Kasprzak, Mariusz Furmanek Mammary carcinoma - current diagnostic methods and symptomatology in imaging studies
Agata Małkiewicz, Magdalena Dziedzic Bone marrow reconversion - imaging of physiological changes in bone marrow
Wojciech Poncyljusz, Wojciech Pauli Application of Amplatzer vascular occluder in hepatic artery closure as a method of treatment of high-flow arterioportal fistula before liver transplantation
Monika Ostrowska, Jan Gietka, Tomasz Nesteruk, Agnieszka Piliszek, Jerzy Walecki Shoulder joint tuberculosis
Magdalena Pielaszkiewicz-Wydra, Bożena Homola-Piekarska, Ewa Szcześniak, Monika Ciołek-Zdun, Andrzej Fall Exogenous lipoid pneumonia - a case report of a fire-eater
Mahmut Duymus, Yakup Yesilkaya, Gunes Orman, Alper Bozkurt, Omer Yilmaz Persistent left superior vena cava draining to the left atrium: a case report and review of the literature
Maciej Bryl, Maciej Guziński, Maciej Rabczyński, Marta Waliszewska-Prosół, Jerzy Garcarek, Rajmund Adamiec, Marek Sąsiadek Imaging difficulties in Takayasu arteritis - case report and review of the literature
Dominika Klekot, Anna Zimny, Bogdan Czapiga, Marek Sąsiadek Isolated septic facet joint arthritis as a rare cause of acute and chronic low back pain - a case report and literature review
Bartosz Dołęga-Kozierowski, Kyriakous Sokratous, Krzysztof Dyś, Michał Lis, Stanisław Ferenc, Stanisław Drelichowski, Wojciech Witkiewicz Aortoesophageal fistula as a complication of thoracic aorta aneurism stent grafting - a case report and literature review
Arvind Krishnamurthy The elusive nasogastric tube