Research data
On March 6, 2023, the RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository was launched.
The repository consists of 6 collections of universities co-creating RODBUK.
We invite employees, PhD students and students of the Jagiellonian University to deposit research data in the Jagiellonian University collection.
Research data previously deposited in the Jagiellonian University Repository RUJ was also migrated to RODBUK.
Instructions for depositing research data have been prepared and made available to those interested.
Help is also offered by employees of the Repositories Section of the Digital Collections Department of the Jagiellonian Library
Joanna Konik
Małgorzata Galik
Michał Romek
The functioning of the repository is not only in line with the trend of open science, aimed at disseminating the results of scientific work in a wide spectrum, but also becomes a tool that will allow the fulfillment of formal and legal requirements, e.g. in the field of applying for grants imposed by institutions, financing research, e.g. by the National Science Center or the European Commission.
More details on the website Open science at the Jagiellonian University - Research data.