Ocena nowych technologii medycznych : "kto strzeże samych strażników?"

working paper
dc.abstract.plNiniejsza ekspertyza dotyczy problemu kontroli nad właściwym przebiegiem procesu oceny nowych technologii medycznych pod kątem ich skuteczności, bezpieczeństwa i kosztowej efektywności. Jako że w podejmowaniu decyzji o akceptacji, wprowadzeniu na rynek i refundacji nowych technologii medycznych uczestniczy wiele zespołów ludzi, prezentujących czasem zgoła odmienne stanowiska i reprezentujących różne opinie, może dochodzić do konfliktów interesów. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd grup i instytucji, mających pilnować rzetelnego przebiegu procesu ewaluacji nowych technologii medycznych. Do grup doglądających procesu oceny technologii w medycynie należą pacjenci, środki masowego przekazu, środowiska bioetyczne, ruch EBM (Evidence Based Medicine), agencje HTA (Health Technology Assessment), oraz sami lekarze - dla których ta dodatkowa rola strażników procesu ewaluacji może być szczególnie problematyczna.pl
dc.contributor.authorSzymański, Piotrpl
dc.contributor.authorPasierski, Tomaszpl
dc.contributor.institutionInterdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJpl
dc.description.accesstimew momencie opublikowania
dc.description.versionostateczna wersja wydawcy
dc.referencesAvorn J. (2012), Two centuries of assessing drug risks, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 367(3), 193-7.pl
dc.referencesAnker S. D., Agewall S., Borggrefe M., Calvert M., Jaime Caro J., Cowie M. R., Ford I., Paty J. A., Riley J. P., Swedberg K., Tavazzi L., Wiklund I., Kirchhof P. (2014), The importance of patient-reported outcomes: a call for their comprehensive integration in cardiovascular clinical trials, “European Heart Journal” 35(30), 2001-9.pl
dc.referencesBalshem H, Helfand M, Schünemann H. J., Oxman A. D., Kunz R., Brozek J., Vist G. E., Falck-Ytter Y., Meerpohl J, Norris S., Guyatt G. H. (2011), GRADE guidelines: 3. Rating the quality of evidence, “Journal of Clinical Epidemiology” 64(4), 401-6.pl
dc.referencesDawes M., Summerskill W., Glasziou P., Cartabellotta A., Martin J., Hopayian K., Porzsolt F., Burls A., Osborne J., Second International Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care Teachers and Developers (2005), Sicily statement on evidence-based practice, “BMC Medical Education” 5(1), 1.pl
dc.referencesDeJean D., Giacomini M., Schwartz L., Miller F. A. (2009), Ethics in Canadian health technology assessment: a descriptive review, “International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care” 25(4), 463-9.pl
dc.referencesDowning N. S., Aminawung J. A., Shah N. D., Krumholz H. M., Ross J. S. (2014), Clinical trial evidence supporting FDA approval of novel therapeutic agents, 2005-2012, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 311(4), 368-77.pl
dc.referencesEmanuel E. J., Steinmetz A. (2013), Will physicians lead on controlling health care costs?, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 310(4), 374-5.pl
dc.referencesEmanuel E. J. (2014), Why I hope to die at 75? “The Atlantic”.pl
dc.referencesEvidence-Based Medicine Working Group (1992), Evidence-based medicine. A new approach to teaching the practice of medicine, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 268(17), 2420-5.pl
dc.referencesFeuerstein J. D., Akbari M., Gifford A. E., Hurley C. M., Leffler D. A., Sheth S. G., Cheifetz A. S. (2014), Systematic analysis underlying the quality of the scientific evidence and conflicts of interest in interventional medicine subspecialty guidelines, “Mayo Clinic Proceedings” 89(1), 16-24.pl
dc.referencesFriedman R. A. (2014), Antidepressants' black-box warning – 10 years later, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 371(18), 1666-8.pl
dc.referencesGebreyes W. A., Dupouy-Camet J., Newport M. J., Oliveira C. J., Schlesinger L. S., Saif Y. M., Kariuki S., Saif L. J., Saville W., Wittum T., Hoet A., Quessy S., Kazwala R., Tekola B., Shryock T., Bisesi M., Patchanee P., Boonmar S., King L. J. (2014), The Global One Health Paradigm: Challenges and Opportunities for Tackling Infectious Diseases at the Human, Animal, and Environment Interface in Low-Resource Settings, “PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases” 8(11), e3257.pl
dc.referencesGeraghty K. E., Wynia M. (2000), Advocacy and community: the social roles of physicians in the last 1000 years. Part III, “Medscape General Medicine” E27.pl
dc.referencesGodman B., et al. (2014), Dabigatran – a continuing exemplar case history demonstrating the need for comprehensive models to optimize the utilization of new drugs, “Frontiers in Pharmacology” 5, 109.pl
dc.referencesHughes D. A., Tunnage B., Yeo S. T. (2005), Drugs for exceptionally rare diseases: do they deserve special status for funding?, “QJM” 98(11), 829-36.pl
dc.referencesHurwicz L. (2007), But Who Will Guard the Guardians?.pl
dc.referencesIoannidis J. P. (2014), More than a billion people taking statins?: Potential implications of the new cardiovascular guidelines, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 311(5), 463-4.pl
dc.referencesLeff B., Finucane T. E. (2008), Gizmo idolatry, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 299(15), 1830-2.pl
dc.referencesLeonardo Alves T., Martins de Freitas A. F., van Eijk M. E., Mantel-Teeuwisse A. K. (2014), Compliance of disease awareness campaigns in printed Dutch media with national and international regulatory guidelines, “PLoS One” 9(9), e106599.pl
dc.referencesLevinsky N. G. (1984), The doctor's master, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 311(24), 1573-5.pl
dc.referencesMoynihan R., Heath I., Henry D. (2002), Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering, “BMJ” 324(7342), 886-91.pl
dc.referencesNeumann P. J., Cohen J. T., Weinstein M. C. (2014), Updating cost-effectiveness – the curious resilience of the $50,000-per-QALY threshold, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 371(9), 796-7.pl
dc.referencesPellegrino E. D. (1993), The metamorphosis of medical ethics. A 30-year retrospective, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 269(9), 1158-62.pl
dc.referencesPersad G., Wertheimer A., Emanuel E. J. (2009), Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions, “Lancet” 373(9661), 423-31.pl
dc.referencesPeterson E. D., Roe M. T., Mulgund J., DeLong E. R., Lytle B. L., Brindis R. G., Smith S. C. Jr, Pollack C. V. Jr, Newby L. K., Harrington R. A., Gibler W. B., Ohman E. M. (2006), Association between hospital process performance and outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndromes, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 295, 1912-20.pl
dc.referencesRose, S. L. (2013), Patient advocacy organizations: institutional conflicts of interest, trust, and trustworthiness, “The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics” 41(3), 680-687.pl
dc.referencesSzymański P. (2012), Autorytet medycyny opartej na dowodach naukowych a niepewność poznania naukowego, “Medycyna Po Dyplomie” 12, 49-53.pl
dc.referencesTallis R. C. (2006), Doctors in society: medical professionalism in a changing world, “Clinical Medicine” 6(1), 7-12.pl
dc.referencesTruog R. D. (2012), Patients and doctors – evolution of a relationship, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 366(7), 581-5.pl
dc.referencesTilburt J. C., Wynia M. K., Sheeler R. D., Thorsteinsdottir B., James K. M., Egginton J. S., Liebow M., Hurst S., Danis M., Goold S. D. (2013), Views of US physicians about controlling health care costs, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 310(4), 380-8.pl
dc.referencesTikkinen K. A., Leinonen J. S., Guyatt G. H., Ebrahim S., Järvinen T. L. (2012), What is a disease? Perspectives of the public, health professionals and legislators, “BMJ Open” 2(6), e001632.pl
dc.referencesUbel P. A., Angott A. M., Zikmund-Fisher B. J. (2011), Physicians recommend different treatments for patients than they would choose for themselves, “Arch Intern Med” 171(7), 630-4.pl
dc.referencesVillas Boas P. J., Spagnuolo R. S., Kamegasawa A., Braz L. G., Polachini do Valle A., Jorge E. C., Yoo H. H., Cataneo A. J., Corrêa I., Fukushima F. B., do Nascimento P. Jr, Módolo N. S., Teixeira M. S., de Oliveira Vidal E. I., Daher S. R., El Dib R. (2013), Systematic reviews showed insufficient evidence for clinical practice in 2004: what about in 2011? The next appeal for the evidence-based medicine age, “Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice” 19(4), 633-7.pl
dc.referencesVogelzang N. J, Breitbart W., Cella D., Curt G. A., Groopman J. E., Horning S. J., Itri L. M., Johnson D. H., Scherr S. L., Portenoy R. K. (1997), Patient, caregiver, and oncologist perceptions of cancer-related fatigue: results of a tripart assessment survey. The Fatigue Coalition, “Seminars in Hematology” 34(3 sup. 2), 4-12.pl
dc.referencesWax C. M. (2013), Plato versus Hippocrates, “Journal of Medical Economics” 90(4), 3.pl
dc.rightsDozwolony użytek utworów chronionych*
dc.share.typeotwarte repozytorium
dc.subject.plprocedury wdrażania technologii medycznychpl
dc.subject.plrefundacja lekówpl
dc.subject.plmedycyna oparta na faktachpl
dc.titleOcena nowych technologii medycznych : "kto strzeże samych strażników?"pl
dc.title.alternativeNew health technology assessment : 'but who will guard the guardians?'pl
Niniejsza ekspertyza dotyczy problemu kontroli nad właściwym przebiegiem procesu oceny nowych technologii medycznych pod kątem ich skuteczności, bezpieczeństwa i kosztowej efektywności. Jako że w podejmowaniu decyzji o akceptacji, wprowadzeniu na rynek i refundacji nowych technologii medycznych uczestniczy wiele zespołów ludzi, prezentujących czasem zgoła odmienne stanowiska i reprezentujących różne opinie, może dochodzić do konfliktów interesów. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd grup i instytucji, mających pilnować rzetelnego przebiegu procesu ewaluacji nowych technologii medycznych. Do grup doglądających procesu oceny technologii w medycynie należą pacjenci, środki masowego przekazu, środowiska bioetyczne, ruch EBM (Evidence Based Medicine), agencje HTA (Health Technology Assessment), oraz sami lekarze - dla których ta dodatkowa rola strażników procesu ewaluacji może być szczególnie problematyczna.
Szymański, Piotr
Pasierski, Tomasz
Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJ
w momencie opublikowania
ostateczna wersja wydawcy
Avorn J. (2012), Two centuries of assessing drug risks, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 367(3), 193-7.
Anker S. D., Agewall S., Borggrefe M., Calvert M., Jaime Caro J., Cowie M. R., Ford I., Paty J. A., Riley J. P., Swedberg K., Tavazzi L., Wiklund I., Kirchhof P. (2014), The importance of patient-reported outcomes: a call for their comprehensive integration in cardiovascular clinical trials, “European Heart Journal” 35(30), 2001-9.
Balshem H, Helfand M, Schünemann H. J., Oxman A. D., Kunz R., Brozek J., Vist G. E., Falck-Ytter Y., Meerpohl J, Norris S., Guyatt G. H. (2011), GRADE guidelines: 3. Rating the quality of evidence, “Journal of Clinical Epidemiology” 64(4), 401-6.
Dawes M., Summerskill W., Glasziou P., Cartabellotta A., Martin J., Hopayian K., Porzsolt F., Burls A., Osborne J., Second International Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care Teachers and Developers (2005), Sicily statement on evidence-based practice, “BMC Medical Education” 5(1), 1.
DeJean D., Giacomini M., Schwartz L., Miller F. A. (2009), Ethics in Canadian health technology assessment: a descriptive review, “International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care” 25(4), 463-9.
Downing N. S., Aminawung J. A., Shah N. D., Krumholz H. M., Ross J. S. (2014), Clinical trial evidence supporting FDA approval of novel therapeutic agents, 2005-2012, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 311(4), 368-77.
Emanuel E. J., Steinmetz A. (2013), Will physicians lead on controlling health care costs?, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 310(4), 374-5.
Emanuel E. J. (2014), Why I hope to die at 75? “The Atlantic”.
Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group (1992), Evidence-based medicine. A new approach to teaching the practice of medicine, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 268(17), 2420-5.
Feuerstein J. D., Akbari M., Gifford A. E., Hurley C. M., Leffler D. A., Sheth S. G., Cheifetz A. S. (2014), Systematic analysis underlying the quality of the scientific evidence and conflicts of interest in interventional medicine subspecialty guidelines, “Mayo Clinic Proceedings” 89(1), 16-24.
Friedman R. A. (2014), Antidepressants' black-box warning – 10 years later, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 371(18), 1666-8.
Gebreyes W. A., Dupouy-Camet J., Newport M. J., Oliveira C. J., Schlesinger L. S., Saif Y. M., Kariuki S., Saif L. J., Saville W., Wittum T., Hoet A., Quessy S., Kazwala R., Tekola B., Shryock T., Bisesi M., Patchanee P., Boonmar S., King L. J. (2014), The Global One Health Paradigm: Challenges and Opportunities for Tackling Infectious Diseases at the Human, Animal, and Environment Interface in Low-Resource Settings, “PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases” 8(11), e3257.
Geraghty K. E., Wynia M. (2000), Advocacy and community: the social roles of physicians in the last 1000 years. Part III, “Medscape General Medicine” E27.
Godman B., et al. (2014), Dabigatran – a continuing exemplar case history demonstrating the need for comprehensive models to optimize the utilization of new drugs, “Frontiers in Pharmacology” 5, 109.
Hughes D. A., Tunnage B., Yeo S. T. (2005), Drugs for exceptionally rare diseases: do they deserve special status for funding?, “QJM” 98(11), 829-36.
Hurwicz L. (2007), But Who Will Guard the Guardians?.
Ioannidis J. P. (2014), More than a billion people taking statins?: Potential implications of the new cardiovascular guidelines, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 311(5), 463-4.
Leff B., Finucane T. E. (2008), Gizmo idolatry, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 299(15), 1830-2.
Leonardo Alves T., Martins de Freitas A. F., van Eijk M. E., Mantel-Teeuwisse A. K. (2014), Compliance of disease awareness campaigns in printed Dutch media with national and international regulatory guidelines, “PLoS One” 9(9), e106599.
Levinsky N. G. (1984), The doctor's master, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 311(24), 1573-5.
Moynihan R., Heath I., Henry D. (2002), Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering, “BMJ” 324(7342), 886-91.
Neumann P. J., Cohen J. T., Weinstein M. C. (2014), Updating cost-effectiveness – the curious resilience of the $50,000-per-QALY threshold, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 371(9), 796-7.
Pellegrino E. D. (1993), The metamorphosis of medical ethics. A 30-year retrospective, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 269(9), 1158-62.
Persad G., Wertheimer A., Emanuel E. J. (2009), Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions, “Lancet” 373(9661), 423-31.
Peterson E. D., Roe M. T., Mulgund J., DeLong E. R., Lytle B. L., Brindis R. G., Smith S. C. Jr, Pollack C. V. Jr, Newby L. K., Harrington R. A., Gibler W. B., Ohman E. M. (2006), Association between hospital process performance and outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndromes, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 295, 1912-20.
Rose, S. L. (2013), Patient advocacy organizations: institutional conflicts of interest, trust, and trustworthiness, “The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics” 41(3), 680-687.
Szymański P. (2012), Autorytet medycyny opartej na dowodach naukowych a niepewność poznania naukowego, “Medycyna Po Dyplomie” 12, 49-53.
Tallis R. C. (2006), Doctors in society: medical professionalism in a changing world, “Clinical Medicine” 6(1), 7-12.
Truog R. D. (2012), Patients and doctors – evolution of a relationship, “The New England Journal of Medicine” 366(7), 581-5.
Tilburt J. C., Wynia M. K., Sheeler R. D., Thorsteinsdottir B., James K. M., Egginton J. S., Liebow M., Hurst S., Danis M., Goold S. D. (2013), Views of US physicians about controlling health care costs, “Journal of the American Medical Association” 310(4), 380-8.
Tikkinen K. A., Leinonen J. S., Guyatt G. H., Ebrahim S., Järvinen T. L. (2012), What is a disease? Perspectives of the public, health professionals and legislators, “BMJ Open” 2(6), e001632.
Ubel P. A., Angott A. M., Zikmund-Fisher B. J. (2011), Physicians recommend different treatments for patients than they would choose for themselves, “Arch Intern Med” 171(7), 630-4.
Villas Boas P. J., Spagnuolo R. S., Kamegasawa A., Braz L. G., Polachini do Valle A., Jorge E. C., Yoo H. H., Cataneo A. J., Corrêa I., Fukushima F. B., do Nascimento P. Jr, Módolo N. S., Teixeira M. S., de Oliveira Vidal E. I., Daher S. R., El Dib R. (2013), Systematic reviews showed insufficient evidence for clinical practice in 2004: what about in 2011? The next appeal for the evidence-based medicine age, “Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice” 19(4), 633-7.
Vogelzang N. J, Breitbart W., Cella D., Curt G. A., Groopman J. E., Horning S. J., Itri L. M., Johnson D. H., Scherr S. L., Portenoy R. K. (1997), Patient, caregiver, and oncologist perceptions of cancer-related fatigue: results of a tripart assessment survey. The Fatigue Coalition, “Seminars in Hematology” 34(3 sup. 2), 4-12.
Wax C. M. (2013), Plato versus Hippocrates, “Journal of Medical Economics” 90(4), 3.
Dozwolony użytek utworów chronionych
otwarte repozytorium
procedury wdrażania technologii medycznych
refundacja leków
medycyna oparta na faktach
Ocena nowych technologii medycznych : "kto strzeże samych strażników?"
New health technology assessment : 'but who will guard the guardians?'

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