Preparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro area

Preparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro area

dc.abstract.enThe objective of the thesis is to assess the preparedness for the adoption of the euro by the Czech Republic. It aims to assess the background of the current negative position of the Czech government towards the euro adoption, to present the economic alignment with the euro area and to identify potential benefits and costs of the euro adoption for Czech economy and Czech citizens. The postponement of euro adoption in the Czech Republic has mainly been caused by the current problems of the euro area but it is also the public opinion which has a strong impact and motivates the long propaganda of euroscepticism. In order to assess the barriers, which are used to substantiate the negative position of the government for an early adoption of the euro, the report entitled Assessments of the Fulfillment of the Maastricht Convergence Criteria and the Degree of Economic Alignment of the Czech Republic with the Euro Area will be examined. The report was jointly presented to the Government by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and the Czech National Bank at the end of each year (Assessments, 2009-2012). The economy is expected to pick up from mid-2013 onwards improving long-term fiscal sustainability, effective fiscal policy and flexible labor market. To make economic growth more inclusive the gradual increase in the statutory retirement age should be combined with further reforms of the tax system to foster labor market participation and raise employment of low-skill workers. The view on the economic benefits and costs of joining the euro area has also changed in recent years as a result of ongoing fundamental changes in the institutional architecture of the EMU in response to the debt problems of some of its member countries. The benefits arising from euro adoption are subject to the reduction of the exchange rate volatility and of the transaction costs, whereas they also depend on the degree of integration with the euro area. The integration of the Czech economy with the euro area is high and still growing. Therefore, euro adoption will lead to the stimulation of mutual trade of the Czech Republic and the euro
dc.abstract.plCelem pracy jest ocena gotowości Republiki Czeskiej do przyjęcia euro. Ma on na celu ocenę tła aktualnego negatywnego stanowiska czeskiego rządu do przyjęcia euro, jak również przedstawienie dostosowania gospodarczego w strefie euro oraz identyfikację potencjalnych korzyści i kosztów przyjęcia euro dla czeskiej gospodarki i obywateli Czech. Wstrzymanie podjęcia decyzji o terminie przyjęcia euro w Republice Czeskiej jest spowodowane głównie obecnym problemem strefy euro, ale także jest motywowane opinią publiczną, która prowadząc długą propagandę eurosceptycyzmu ma duży wpływ na decyzje rządu. W celu dokonania oceny barier, które są wykorzystywane do uzasadnienia negatywnego stanowiska rządu będzie poddany analizie jeden z ważniejszych raportów o euro Narodowego Banku Czeskiego: Assessments of the Fulfillment of the Maastricht Convergence Criteria jak również Degree of Economic Alignment of the Czech Republic with the Euro
dc.affiliationWydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznychpl
dc.areaobszar nauk humanistycznychpl
dc.areaobszar nauk społecznychpl
dc.contributor.advisorZombirt, Jolanta - 132935 pl
dc.contributor.authorCebula, Agnieszkapl
dc.contributor.reviewerPożarlik, Grzegorz - 131537 pl
dc.contributor.reviewerZombirt, Jolanta - 132935 pl
dc.identifier.projectAPD / Opl
dc.subject.enCzech Republic, adoption of euro, economic alignment with euro area, convergence criteria, euroscepticismpl
dc.subject.plRepublika Czeska, przyjęcie waluty euro, kryteria konwergencji, eurosceptycyzmpl
dc.titlePreparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro areapl
dc.titlePreparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro areapl
dc.title.alternativePrzygotowanie Czeskiej Republiki do przyjęcia euro. Gospodarcze dostosowanie do strefy europl
The objective of the thesis is to assess the preparedness for the adoption of the euro by the Czech Republic. It aims to assess the background of the current negative position of the Czech government towards the euro adoption, to present the economic alignment with the euro area and to identify potential benefits and costs of the euro adoption for Czech economy and Czech citizens. The postponement of euro adoption in the Czech Republic has mainly been caused by the current problems of the euro area but it is also the public opinion which has a strong impact and motivates the long propaganda of euroscepticism. In order to assess the barriers, which are used to substantiate the negative position of the government for an early adoption of the euro, the report entitled Assessments of the Fulfillment of the Maastricht Convergence Criteria and the Degree of Economic Alignment of the Czech Republic with the Euro Area will be examined. The report was jointly presented to the Government by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and the Czech National Bank at the end of each year (Assessments, 2009-2012). The economy is expected to pick up from mid-2013 onwards improving long-term fiscal sustainability, effective fiscal policy and flexible labor market. To make economic growth more inclusive the gradual increase in the statutory retirement age should be combined with further reforms of the tax system to foster labor market participation and raise employment of low-skill workers. The view on the economic benefits and costs of joining the euro area has also changed in recent years as a result of ongoing fundamental changes in the institutional architecture of the EMU in response to the debt problems of some of its member countries. The benefits arising from euro adoption are subject to the reduction of the exchange rate volatility and of the transaction costs, whereas they also depend on the degree of integration with the euro area. The integration of the Czech economy with the euro area is high and still growing. Therefore, euro adoption will lead to the stimulation of mutual trade of the Czech Republic and the euro area.
Celem pracy jest ocena gotowości Republiki Czeskiej do przyjęcia euro. Ma on na celu ocenę tła aktualnego negatywnego stanowiska czeskiego rządu do przyjęcia euro, jak również przedstawienie dostosowania gospodarczego w strefie euro oraz identyfikację potencjalnych korzyści i kosztów przyjęcia euro dla czeskiej gospodarki i obywateli Czech. Wstrzymanie podjęcia decyzji o terminie przyjęcia euro w Republice Czeskiej jest spowodowane głównie obecnym problemem strefy euro, ale także jest motywowane opinią publiczną, która prowadząc długą propagandę eurosceptycyzmu ma duży wpływ na decyzje rządu. W celu dokonania oceny barier, które są wykorzystywane do uzasadnienia negatywnego stanowiska rządu będzie poddany analizie jeden z ważniejszych raportów o euro Narodowego Banku Czeskiego: Assessments of the Fulfillment of the Maastricht Convergence Criteria jak również Degree of Economic Alignment of the Czech Republic with the Euro Area.
Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych
obszar nauk humanistycznych
obszar nauk społecznych
Zombirt, Jolanta - 132935
Cebula, Agnieszka
Pożarlik, Grzegorz - 131537
Zombirt, Jolanta - 132935
Czech Republic, adoption of euro, economic alignment with euro area, convergence criteria, euroscepticism
Republika Czeska, przyjęcie waluty euro, kryteria konwergencji, eurosceptycyzm
Preparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro area
Preparedness of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro. Economic alignment with the euro area
Przygotowanie Czeskiej Republiki do przyjęcia euro. Gospodarcze dostosowanie do strefy euro

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