Reports and summaries

In the Jagiellonian University Repository it is possible to generate it yourself. compilation of publications, e.g., for the self-assessment sheet containing the bibliography of the employee, for this purpose :

1.   At select Advanced Search

2.   To make the search precise for a particular author, uncheck the checkbox Search in full texts

3.   Then in the advanced search, please select:

Author UJ >> Is equal >> Last name, First name (by entering the last name, the system will suggest the first name, which should be selected accordingly).

(After approval, the employee's unique ID number will appear in the window)

  • To prepare a summary for specific years, select a range, e.g.:

Release date >> Is equal >> [2021 TO 2021] >> Search.

  • The resulting list of publications can be narrowed down using the other operators or filters available on the left.
  • The displayed list of descriptions can be arranged using the buttons that are located on the right side.


  • To narrow the search results to, for example, scientific publications, select such an option after pressing the “In repository” button.


5. To generate a report of searched publications, click:

6. In the next step, you should 'click' the checkbox  for each item that is to be included in the report or select: "Export all" or "Deselect all on the page" and confirm the printout by selecting on the left:  
Finally, please save the prepared summary on your device or print it out

Note: changing the selection of the list of publications, you should refresh the browser window each time (e.g. ctrl+F5 for Chrome) because it remembers the previous search setting.

 * If you need to generate a list containing publications, e.g., by year of entry or year of publication in EXCEL format, please send such information by e-mail to RUJ coordinators or administrators. The contact list for the coordinators and administrators of each department can be found at the bottom under the HELP tab.