For new WoS users
1. After logging in to the ORCID (, click consecutively: Works → Add works → Search & link → ResearcherID [the penultimate link in the list that will drop down]
2. After clicking on the link, a new window will open up; here, you must give permission to link to the Web of Science database by clicking on the button Authorize
3. A login window will appear on the screen; click the button Join Now It’s Free
4. A window will open where one should enter one’s name, surname, e-mail address, and select from the drop-down list the source from which one learned about ResearcherID. After filling in all fields, click the button Submit
5. A message will appear on the screen: Your ResearcherID invitation is on its way to Please check your inbox. Thank you for your interest in ResearcherID, and an email with an activation link will be sent to your e-mail address. You should receive the message and click on the link that will take you to a form; you should fill it in and click Submit Registration, and finally accept the ResearcherID terms and conditions after reading them
6. After the acceptance of the terms and condotions, a message about the assigned number will appear; click on the link Click here to login to ResearcherID
7. On the next page one will see a message that one can connect ResearcherID to ORCID. Select I already have an ORCID record and click Continue
8. The authorization window will appear again (as in item 2), click Authorize
9. After authorization, one will be informed that ResearcherID has been linked to ORCID
10. After a click on button Back to My Researcher Profile, one will see the ORCID ID displayed under the link to ResercherID: