For new ORCID users

1.  After logging into the UJ Repository (RUJ -, the user will see the ORCID ID registration screen, where the action should be selected: “sign up for ORCID". 


2.  In a new tab, the ORCID login window will open. Select the tab: “Register now" and fill out the registration form.

The fields Given names, Family names, and e-mail will be filled in automatically with information downloaded from the Jagiellonian University Repository (step 1). You must create a password (step 2), fill in information about the institution to which the works will be affiliated (step 3), specify access to the publications that will be entered into ORCID: public, limited to designated persons, limited only to the account owner (step 4) and approve the consents and submit the registration request by clicking the Complete Registration button (step 5).



3. After successful registration, we are taken to the ORCID home page

Then receive a message in the mailbox to complete the verification process.


4. Next, it is necessary to log out from all systems (mail, UJ repository, ORCID) and log in to your ORCID account again. At this point, you will need to give permission for your ORCID ID to be made available to RUJ by clicking “Authorize access”


5. You can also add additional information to the profile, such as biography, education, employment history, or conducted research and implemented grants


6. On the ORCID account, in the Trusted parties section, there will be information about the date and type of connection with the Jagiellonian University Repository. Please remember NOT to DEACTIVATE this association by pressing the [Revoke Access] trash can icon





→ If an ORCID account was created using an email address other than the one in the domain, add the UJ email address to the account information as an additional email address

→ Information in RUJ about the correct connection to ORCID may be visible with a delay.