Types of documents
The next step after choosing the right collection is to determine the Type and subtyp e of the document described.
The appropriate term should be chosen from the following:
ARTICLE (CHAPTER IN A BOOK) - a separate part of a book, constituting a coherent whole in composition, often also in content, with (or not) the word chapter, its own title or another number, and sometimes all the elements together. An appropriate term (document subtype) should be selected for this type of document, indicating that it is:
JOURNAL ARTICLE - for this type of document, select the appropriate term (subtype of document) indicating that it is:
JOURNAL - periodical publication, this type of document is assigned to all publications of a serial character (including yearbooks, which have a much larger volume than other serial publications). Enter a description for the entire year, provide the names of: the editor-in-chief and all scientific editors, and list the volumes and issues published in the year. If individual issues of the journal have a separate title and other important identifying data, you can provide this information in the comments field.
MEDIA DOCUMENT - documents containing recorded sound and images. For this type of document, select the appropriate term (document subtype) to indicate that it is:
PATENT NORM - in this type of documents can be placed: description of the invention, designs protected by protective rights, standards. Select the appropriate term (subtype of document) indicating that it is:
BOOK - a compact document, as opposed to a journal (also in the case of brochures, smaller than 2 publisher’s sheets in volume). The appropriate term (document subtype) should be chosen for the book type of document to indicate that it is:
WORKING PAPERS - previously formally unpublished. For this type of document, select the appropriate term (document subtype) indicating that it is:
ONLINE PAPER - materials published on the Internet that do not have a physical form. For this type of document, select the appropriate term (document subtype) indicating that it is:
THESIS - this type of document should be selected when creating a bibliographic description for an unpublished doctoral or diploma thesis.