With whom to cooperate in Brussels? : the effect of coalition-building with the Three Seas Initiative, Visegrad Group and Germany on Poland's success in EU lawmaking

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dc.abstract.enThe purpose of this paper is to examine whether and how coalition-building within the Visegrad Group, the Three Seas Initiative and with Germany affects Poland's bargaining success in the European Union's legislative decision-making. Building a coalition is defined as agreeing or presenting a common policy position during negotiations on a given legislative issue. I delineate three hypotheses derived from spatial model theory and rational choice institutionalism, predicting that Poland is more likely to be successful in EU lawmaking when it forms a coalition (has consistent preferences) with the members of the V4, the Three Seas Initiative or Germany. A multiple linear regression is used to empirically verify the above claims on the DEU II dataset. Four conclusions emerge from the analysis. First, Poland achieves higher success in EU legislative negotiations when it builds a coalition with Germany. However, the analysis revealed a strong discrepancy between Poland's and Germany's preferences which makes building mutual coalition seriously impeded. Second, it is beneficial for Poland to enter into a coalition with V4 members. Third, contrary to expectations, building a coalition with the members of the Three Seas Initiative does not bring more legislative gains for Poland.pl
dc.affiliationWydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych : Instytut Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowychpl
dc.contributor.authorKirpsza, Adam - 105501 pl
dc.contributor.editorMania, Andrzej - 130290 pl
dc.contributor.editorGrabowski, Marcin - 148186 pl
dc.contributor.editorPugacewicz, Tomasz - 105547 pl
dc.description.additionalThe research presented in this article was funded by the Polish-German Foundation for Science under the project entitled: "Divergence or convergence of interests? Polish-German relations in the EU institutions and in the EU’s legislative decision-making" (2016-18). The draft of this article was presented at the 7th Convention of the Polish International Studies Association in Krakow (9 -10 November 2017) and at the 12th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Prague (12-15 September 2018)pl
dc.description.seriesInternational Relations in Asia, Africa and the Americas
dc.identifier.eisbn978-3-631-78417-4 (E-PDF)pl
dc.identifier.eisbn978-3-631-78418-1 (EPUB)pl
dc.identifier.eisbn978-3-631-78419-8 (MOBI)pl
dc.identifier.projectROD UJ / Opl
dc.pubinfoBerlin : Peter Langpl
dc.publisher.ministerialPeter Lang Publishing Grouppl
dc.rightsDodaję tylko opis bibliograficzny*
dc.rights.licencebez licencji
dc.sourceinfoliczba autorów 14; liczba stron 306; liczba arkuszy wydawniczych 18,5;pl
dc.subject.enEuropean Union’s legislative decision-makingpl
dc.subject.enVisegrad Grouppl
dc.subject.enThree Seas Initiativepl
dc.subject.enPolish-German relationspl
dc.subject.enPoland’s bargaining successpl
dc.subject.enEU lawmakingpl
dc.subject.plpodejmowanie decyzji w UEpl
dc.subject.plGrupa Wyszehradzkapl
dc.subject.plrelacje Polski i Niemiecpl
dc.subject.plsukces Polskipl
dc.subject.pltworzenie prawa w UEpl
dc.titleWith whom to cooperate in Brussels? : the effect of coalition-building with the Three Seas Initiative, Visegrad Group and Germany on Poland's success in EU lawmakingpl
dc.title.containerGlobal politics in the 21st century : between regional cooperation and conflictpl

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