Publicystyka polityczna Dmytra Doncowa z lat 1910-1944 w świetle politolingwistyki

dc.abstract.enThe aim of this dissertation is to carry out a linguistic analysis of the texts written and published by the Ukrainian politician, political thinker and ideologist Dmytro Dontsov (1873-1973). The analysis of the material is made with the use of the tools of political linguistics, including the tools of pragmalinguistics and the theory of speech acts. The task undertaken by the present author is to investigate the language of political journalism of Dontsov in the perspective of political linguistics. The analysis is carried out within this scientific subdiscipline, benefiting from the latest achievements of linguistics. Particular attention is paid to the pragmatic analysis of language, including the theory of speech acts, describing such phenomenon as manipulation, persuasion, eristic and stylistic functions etc. The analysis covers over one hundred representative texts of the Ukrainian journalist, published in 1910-1944. The analysis demonstrates that deprecating speech acts play a significant role in the examined texts. The collected material allows us to prove the thesis that the act of deprecating not only plays a fundamental role, but also serves specific political goals. On the one hand, Dontsov's deprecating is to make readers/recipients aware of what society should avoid, and on the other hand, deprecation is a form of social education. Deprecation is here a pragmatic and argumentative device. The analysis of the material also leads us to the conclusion that there are many fragments of Dontsov's writings in which the emotive function is significant. It should be emphasized that in Dontsov's journalism, two kinds of valuation can be distinguished: positive and negative. The identified devices of expressing negative valuation are systemic devices (including lexical devices, such as the use of selected lexemes), as well as textual devices that include cultural connotations. The detailed analysis of the material allows us to extract those fragments in which the Ukrainian ideologist consistently creates the image of the enemy. Among the various linguistic devices employed to construct the image of the enemy, we find the conscious creation of a dichotomous system, provoking xenophobia, discrediting the opponent through negative valuation, creating a negative image of the opponent using metaphors, using irony and ridiculing the opponent. The review of the collected material shows that the aim of irony used by Dontsov in his writings was primarily to ridicule and discredit political opponents. For example, the equivalents of the expressions decisive battle and ultimate victory were typically used by creators and supporters of the doctrines of fascism authoritarianism, attracting many followers in Europe in the interwar period. The investigated material allows us to see the dynamics of Dontsov's language for more than thirty years (1910-1944). As Ukraine experienced numerous misfortunes, the language of his political texts became increasingly apocalyptic. The analysis of the collected material presents the image of Dmytro Dontsov as a bright political journalist, an ideologist of Ukrainian "active nationalism" involved in the issue of Ukrainian independence to such an extent that even in texts which were supposed to be culture-related only, such as literary criticism or book reviews, he was unable to refrain from expressing his political ideas. It is worth mentioning that this ideological commitment sometimes led him to the dangerous identification of the political enemy - aggressive Tsarist Russia or Bolshevik imperialism - with Russian people. Fragments of the analyzed texts in which the Ukrainian ideologist constructs a linguistic image of the enemy may nowadays be a warning against using language to antagonize people and spread xenophobia. Even if Dontsov intended to defend his homeland from the real enemy, it should be noted that in some writings he dangerously approached the boundary beyond which the phenomenon known today as "hate speech" could easily emerge. Let us hope that this monograph will open the way to further linguistic research on the political thought not only of Dmytro Dontsov, but also other significant Ukrainian political thinkers of the interwar period. The monograph supplements the research carried out from the historical and political perspectives with the linguistic view, creating an opportunity to see - in a wider perspective - the evolution of the Ukrainian political thought of the first half of the twentieth century, both in its form and
dc.affiliationWydział Filologiczny : Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiejpl
dc.contributor.advisorKomorowska, Ewapl
dc.contributor.authorTomanek, Przemysław - 132397 pl
dc.contributor.institutionUniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydział Filologicznypl
dc.contributor.reviewerChodurska, Halinapl
dc.contributor.reviewerDubichynskyi, Volodymyrpl
dc.description.additionalDostęp do publikacji jest możliwy w Archiwum UJpl
dc.identifier.callnumberDokt. 2019/212pl
dc.identifier.projectROD UJ / Opl
dc.rights.licencebez licencji
dc.subject.enpolitical linguisticspl
dc.titlePublicystyka polityczna Dmytra Doncowa z lat 1910-1944 w świetle politolingwistykipl
dc.title.alternativePolitical journalism of Dmitry Doncow in 1910-1944 in the perspective of political linguisticspl

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