Model terapeutyczny polityki wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności wobec osób będących użytkownikami środków odurzających, substancji psychotropowych lub środków zastępczych na tle rozważań o celach kary

dc.abstract.enThe purpose of this dissertation is to verify which prison policies towards users of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or substitutes best respond to problems related to the presence of drugs in the penitentiary system and to provide their justification in the theories of punishment. In this thesis, I use models of drug policies available in the community and I try to adopt them to prison settings. In this way, I propose theoretical models of the prison policies towards users of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or substitutes. I argue that the therapeutic model of prison drug policy, assisted with elements of other models, is the most suitable reaction to holistically viewed problems connected to the presence of drugs in the penitentiary system. Next, I analyze the reaction of the Polish penitentiary system towards drug users. Furthermore, I try to justify the purpose of the therapeutic model in the theories of punishment. Theories of punishment are traditionally developed within either a utilitarian framework (where punishment is used to deter future wrongdoing and maximize the happiness of society) or a retributive framework (where punishment helps to restore the balance of society upset by criminal behavior). Utilitarian theories of punishment are criticized for their philosophical justification for the violation of individual rights, and retributive theories exclude or marginalize rehabilitation. In this thesis, I demonstrate an alternative ethical justification of punishment towards incarcerated drug users reaching to Aristotle's virtue ethics. The purpose of punishment in aretaic theotries is not utility or justice, but rather human flourishing. Finally, I critique the therapeutic model of prison policies towards people who are users of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or substitutes from the point of view of other
dc.affiliationWydział Prawa i Administracji : Katedra Kryminalistykipl
dc.contributor.advisorBłachut, Janina - 127357 pl
dc.contributor.authorStożek, Maria - 126517 pl
dc.contributor.institutionUniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydział Prawa i Administracji. Katedra Kryminologiipl
dc.contributor.reviewerKrajewski, Krzysztof - 129416 pl
dc.contributor.reviewerRzeplińska, Irenapl
dc.description.additionalDostęp do publikacji jest możliwy w Archiwum UJpl
dc.identifier.callnumberDokt. 2015/130pl
dc.identifier.projectROD UJ / Opl
dc.rights.licencebez licencji
dc.subject.enprison drug policypl
dc.subject.entheories of punishmentpl
dc.subject.endrug therapypl
dc.subject.enharm reductionpl
dc.subject.enlibertarian drug policypl
dc.subject.plpolityka wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolnościpl
dc.subject.plteorie karypl
dc.subject.plterapia narkotykowapl
dc.subject.plredukcja szkódpl
dc.subject.pllibertariańska polityka narkotykowapl
dc.titleModel terapeutyczny polityki wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności wobec osób będących użytkownikami środków odurzających, substancji psychotropowych lub środków zastępczych na tle rozważań o celach karypl
dc.title.alternativeJustification for a therapeutic model of prison policy towards users of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or substitutes based on theories of punishmentpl

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